California law provides that someone who is harmed by a product containing a manufacturing or design defect or for which there are insufficient use instructions or warnings is entitled to receive compensation from any entity that sold, distributed or manufactured the product. This is known as the “strict liability” theory of product liability.
Sahhar Law Firm has achieved significant results, totaling many millions of dollars, in product liability cases involving a wide variety of products including defective electric tailgates, defective forklifts and forklift attachments, defective industrial tractors, defective safety devices, defective tractor attachments, defective filing cabinets, and defective high pressure valves.
Product liability cases are often complicated and require extensive amounts of work up and expertise. Defendants in product liability cases routinely deny liability and hire numerous attorneys who simply try to out work the injured party’s attorney. Sahhar Law Firm, on an as-needed basis and at no expense to our clients, will associate additional, qualified attorneys to assist in the prosecution of product liability claims. This will ensure a "level playing field” that allows those injured by defective products to obtain the compensation they deserve.
If you are injured by a defective product, you are entitled to compensation for the following:
Medical bills
Lost wages and lost or reduced earning capacity
Out of pocket expenses
Damage to personal property
General damages, including pain and suffering, changes to your quality of life, inconvenience, frustration, grief, anxiety, humiliation, disfigurement, physical impairment, physical pain, mental suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of
If you or someone you know has been injured by a defective product, contact the Sahhar Law Firm at 760-683-2048 for a free consultation. You can also fill out an initial case questionnaire under the “Contact” tab to get the process started. You do not pay any attorney fees until money is collected on your behalf.