Premises liability cases present in a variety of situations: public and private sidewalks and improvements, restaurants, retail stores, shopping malls, residential property, construction and work sites, apartment and condominium complexes.
Slip, trip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries, including pelvic fractures, broken arms, legs, wrists, and collar bones, and complex shoulder injuries. In some cases, injury victims sustain brain or spinal injuries or death.
In most premises’ liability cases, the at-fault party will blame the injured party for their injuries. You need an experienced and competent attorney in order to hold the at-fault party accountable for your injuries. An experienced slip and fall attorney will also help you receive compensation for your injuries and loss.
If you are injured in a slip, trip or fall on another’s property, once you establish fault, you are entitled to receive compensation for:
Medical bills
Lost wages and lost or reduced earning capacity
Out of pocket expenses
Damage to personal property
General damages, including pain and suffering, changes to your quality of life, inconvenience, frustration, grief, anxiety, humiliation, disfigurement, physical impairment, physical pain, mental suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.
The Sahhar Law Firm is expert at prosecuting premises liability claims. If you or someone you know has been injured in a slip. trip or fall accident, please contact the Sahhar Law Firm at 760-683-2048 to schedule a free consultation. You can also fill out an initial case questionnaire under the “Contact” tab to get the process started. There is never a charge for a consultation and you do not pay any attorney fees until money is collected on your behalf.