Dashboard Cameras Changing the Liability Landscape

Small dashboard cameras (dash cams) that record footage in front of the car and inside the car are garnering acclaim from U.S. drivers for a variety of reasons. A dash cam can sometimes clearly show who was at fault in an auto accident, enabling your attorney to build...

A Deadly Mix of Distractions While Driving

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, distractions while driving can be broken down into three main types — visual (in which you take your eyes off the road), manual (in which you take your hands off the wheel), and cognitive (in which you take...

Starting a Family

Starting a family…a lot to think about! Having a child, whether by birth or adoption, can be as meaningful as anything you will ever do. But as with any undertaking, preparation is key. Before the new family member arrives, find out to what extent a pregnancy will be...


Public Service Announcement: While Technology Changes, Laws Don’t Catch up! “Sexting” is a Crime! For you kids out there (and parents, too!), be aware that so-called “sexting” can be prosecuted as a felony offense in some states, which can result in jail time and...

A Trust May Benefit Those with Special Needs

A disabled person unable to obtain or maintain a stable income due to their disability may be eligible to receive government assistance—e.g., Medicaid, subsidized housing, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), among others. Income must be under a certain level to...