Distracted Driving Statistics

Distracted Driving Statistics are a helpful tool for change and we want to share this information with you to raise awareness and encourage you to take action.  Included at the bottom of our post is a PDF for downloading and sharing. California Data In 2013, the...

Distracted Driving Habits

The following video was created by John Sahhar in order to bring awareness regarding Distracted Driving Habits.  Please watch, share, and take action to stop distracted driving…we are in this together and can make a difference. Feel free to share with us on our...

Distracted Driving Community Effort

I am honored to know Emma and so glad to find someone else in my community dedicating time and energy to this worthy cause of bringing awareness to the dangers of distracted driving.  It is a community effort and we have to do what we can to educated each other.  To...